Cosmopolite is present in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and has sales offices in the United Kingdom and the United States. Cosmopolite serves more than 300 of the world’s leading clients in 29 countries.
In some Member States, by appointing a fiscal representative, it is possible to self-assess the import VAT on the monthly VAT return in this case, the import VAT is not to be declared separately…
VAT legislation in the European Union is subject to the application, in each of the countries concerned, of the general directives. However, each member country has its own rates, procedures, and nuances of interpretation.
This legislation also evolves according to political decisions (BREXIT) or the implementation of new rules such as for distance selling.
In the latter case, this tax is collected from consumers by sellers who must then declare it and pay it to the local authorities.
The solution? appoint a fiscal representative.
COSMOPOLITE will manage for you, and in all countries where it will be necessary, your local registration, your VAT declarations, and related financial flows. He will be your fiscal representative.
It is difficult to be sure of the rules applied in each of the 27 countries: COSMOPOLITE will ensure that you act in full compliance with the legislation of each of the countries in which you sell.
In addition, with our network, regardless of the country in which you need fiscal representation, you keep the same interlocutor and the same data exchange formats.
We have experience and direct access to government sites to complete and file your VAT returns, Trade in Goods Declarations, and customs clearance operations.
We act on your behalf: you are relieved of all administrative formalities!
Cosmopolite is present in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and has sales offices in the United Kingdom and the United States. Cosmopolite serves more than 300 of the world’s leading clients in 29 countries.