Cosmopolite is present in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and has sales offices in the United Kingdom and the United States. Cosmopolite serves more than 300 of the world’s leading clients in 29 countries.
Many foreign entities belonging to the Olympic, Paralympic, or sports movement will be required to temporarily conduct certain activities in France during the year 2024.
Regarding VAT, France allows, under certain conditions, the reimbursement of VAT paid on certain categories of expenses related to the Games. French legislation applies to expenses incurred and subject to VAT. To find out if it is recoverable, contact us!
Furthermore, some of these entities will be required to charge French VAT for the services they provide on French territory. Indeed, the way in which entities must operate in France depends on the nature of the activities carried out on the territory.
Seeking assistance from a Tax Representation professional may be the solution to ensure the correct procedure. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us!
In terms of VAT refund, there are three types of procedures that can be applied to comply with the law and ultimately recover VAT:
This procedure is essential if your entity needs to invoice French VAT. This will be the case if services, physically performed in France, are invoiced to companies, French or not. It will then be compulsory to register for French VAT and submit French VAT returns.
These returns will allow invoicing of French VAT on services invoiced but also deduction of all VAT invoiced by French companies (provided that this VAT is recoverable in France).
Other French taxes may also affect the entities concerned, such as Corporation Tax, Local Taxes (CET and property taxes), or other more general taxes… This procedure involves a case-by-case study to determine if this procedure is applicable to your structure.
We are at your disposal to conduct this study for you!
This procedure is aimed at companies outside the European Union that will not have provided invoiced services but will have incurred expenses subject to VAT.
If this VAT is recoverable for a French company, it will also be recoverable for a foreign company.Original invoices written in accordance with French law are necessary.
It is essential to designate a representative responsible for the preparation and submission of the application to the Tax Administration. We provide this procedure since its inception and we can help you.
Refund applications can be submitted until June 30, 2025, for expenses incurred in 2024. Contact us!
This procedure is aimed at European companies that will not have provided invoiced services but will have incurred expenses subject to VAT. It is not essential to appoint a tax representative since refund applications must be submitted via the electronic portal set up in each EU country.
However, a tax representative can be usefull for control and preparation of the file. In addition, the Administration may require a certain number of clarifications for which responses must be provided within a short period.
We specialize in this procedure since its inception and we can help you !
Refund applications can be submitted until September 30, 2025, for expenses incurred in 2024. Contact us!
Cosmopolite is present in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and has sales offices in the United Kingdom and the United States. Cosmopolite serves more than 300 of the world’s leading clients in 29 countries.